Jean-Noël Felli

CEO and co-founder Balthazar

True reputation is the external and internal recognition that purpose is aligned with strategy, it represents who you are. The purpose gives consistency and meaning and the resulting reputation is a sustainable performance lever. The reputation of a person, whether physical or moral, carries the capacity to act for his ecosystem, to make a contribution to it.

  • In case of difficulties, because it is useful to its ecosystem, the ecosystem protects the person (versus the reputation) ”

Emmanuelle Despres,

Communications Director at NAOS

“To encourage engagement and conversation, you must first listen to your audiences and above all not force yourself to answer everything. The online debate is dividing, polarizing.

For negative posts, in 80% of cases, these are expressions without audience, without visibility of the author, thus there is no risk of sharing nor virality.

On the other hand, we respond to the remaining 20% who require that our point of view be shared, in openness and transparency.”

François Kohler

Information and Communication Officer of the Ministry of Justice - Former President of “Communication Publique”

Communication Publique” considers that: “ the analysis is clear: citizens are, at best, ignorant and distant vis-à-vis their institutions, at worst, suspicious, or even hostile.

If in the public sphere, reputation is also as an asset, at first we “work” it as a risk – political, economic, of power, of opinions – which can have abyssal democratic consequences.

In our ecosystem, we must also take into account citizen activism; if it cannot be strictly assimilated to customer expectations, strong parallels exist, as the citizen has gradually become a user, then a client of public services!”

Patricia Savin

Associate Lawyer at DS AVOCATS - Doctor of Laws - President of OREE - Independent Director COVIVIO

« Reputation is valued by boards of directors and top management.

Thus in the mapping of CSR risks, a focus on reputation can be achieved. The CSR or compliance departments can coordinate the analysis of reputational risk cross-functionally.

In any case, CSR and reputation issues must be supported by the management team, in order to instill this approach within the entire company. »

Patricia Savin

Associate Lawyer at DS AVOCATS - Doctor of Laws - President of OREE - Independent Director COVIVIO

« Organizations are faced with multiple situations generating various risks: civil, criminal, administrative, social, societal, tax… They answer for their actions not only in law before the courts, but also in reputation before public opinion.
Reputation is in itself a very important asset that can quickly be destroyed. This loss of reputation is thus a real risk anticipated and taken into account by organizations. Reputational sanctions can be very impactful: loss of share price, drop in ESG rating, consumer boycott… These reputational sanctions can even be more serious in economic terms for organizations than legal sanctions would be.
In this regard, reputational risk is one of the risks assessed in the context of litigation management, in order to assess its impact on relations with stakeholders. Indeed, even if the court decision is favorable to the organization, the impact of the litigation on its reputation can generate unfavorable economic consequences.
A trade-off thus takes place between the fact of engaging in litigation, even just in law, and the fact of engaging the reputation of the organization. »

Louise Beveridge

Associé fondateur de JUSTE Maison de Talents

« Many executives and leaders consider nowadays that reputation is part of their strategy and of value creation.

Reputation is a mirror on the one side of a company’s beliefs and on the other side of how stakeholders perceive the company.

It is crucial to assess reputation before decisions are taken as it can strengthen or weaken the value creation. Reputation has thus become a strategic asset.»

Louise Beveridge

Associé fondateur de JUSTE Maison de Talents

“It is a mistake to think that reputation on social media is on a short term view.  On the contrary, the path is long, and nothing disappears!”